Tuesday 16 November 2010

The Faceless Servant

Once I found myself, at the Heaven’s gate, sitting;
Observing the Apostle, receiving guests incoming.

Some came in surprised, and some seemed scared;
Though some trembling, and came as never dared.

No one saw Heaven before, all just imagined of it.
It was a great mystery, and nothing to explain with.

When they entered in it, they examined their guess;
Whether it was same or their thinking was a mess.

Then I saw a faceless man, clad in the white so pure,
Accompanied by the Lord, who loved him for sure.

His steps were firm and confident, gait undisturbed,
He walked victorious and Contended, not perturbed.

Heaven seemed his home, and now he’s come back,
From an expedition, yet safe from the devil’s attack.

Who was that holy man, thinking I must know at least,
So Apostle told me of the faceless servant – the priest.

- B. Johnson Maria